My Last Will and Testament
Apologies if that isn't the correct spelling of "testament". I don't feel like looking it up.
I thought I should drop you all a last word in case I die of starvation or something. Just a little update of my mundane goings-on.
I was sick this week. During vacation. Needless to say I was not very pleased and I let God know that. Very funny joke, making me sick. Cracks me up, that one does. Har har har.
Anyhow, I'm getting better. I was all sore-throaty and the like. My back hurt. I was nauseous. Something weird happened and I lost and gained weight really fast within a short amount of time. Oh, and Thursday morning I spent from about 11:00-noon in my room, staring at the ceiling because I had no energy. I made myself eat after that and I felt better. By the evening, my throat was the only thing left bothering me, and today all is well ... except I can't sing high notes.
The weather is still beautiful here. Much too warm for April ... thank you, global warming. Just as a side note, you know, I think I've heard about five different ways to say "global warming" in French. Or three, maybe. More than one, anyhow.
This is probably not the best time to be writing because I'm feeling rather distracted. But it's now or never, so ...
Anyhow, the weather is beautiful. I'm even wearing a short skirt, which I don't think I've done in years. It's just so damn gorgeous outside I can hardly stand it.
We ate lunch outside today, in the back yard. Or. More accurately, Myriam and Loïck ate lunch outside today, in the back yard. I picked at food, wished I could eat more, but satisfied myself with carrot salad and some sort of mushroomy-tofuy spread on bread.
Why is Leah starving herself? You may ask yourself. That is not healthy and it isn't as though she needs to lose weight. If anything she needs to gain weight!
Because, my friends, you may recall, I am fasting this week. That's right. Fasting. Taylor talked me into fasting and today is my preparation day which means I can only eat a little bit of food and no meat at all and tomorrow NO FOOD ... and tuesday NO FOOD ... and Wednesday ... I don't know about Wednesday, yet. We're playing it by ear.
Anyhow. Taylor is getting here tomorrow at 9:50 am at Gare du Nord (which means nothing to most of you but ... whatever). And we are fasting. Which is why this is my Will.
In case I die of starvation or go into a coma or something ... I love you all. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I'll miss you.
Erin and Daniel can split my money. Maggie, Brittany, Sarah, etc can go through my possessions and pick out what they'd like. My family gets my eternal love and the presents I bought for you in France. Victor ... thanks for letting me use your room. I'm having a problem with the softwood floor (because it needs to be vacuumed so often) but otherwise it has been a wonderful place to live.
If I don't die of starvation, you'll hear from me in about a week. Try sending emails. I may be able to shake the Canadian for long enough to answer a few.
I have to go now. Finish cleaning. I've been cleaning all day. And I took a shower. And painted my toenails. But I've mostly been cleaning. When I'm having guests, it gives me motivation to make my living environment presentable.
Ciao, kids.
Leah my darling, I am flattered by your generosity, but I'm afraid I just can't allow you to starve to death. It simply isn't the glamorous French Leah that I know. Glamorous French Leah must die in some glamorous French way.
Your actually supposed to feel like you have a great deal of energy the first day that you fast. When you stop fasting, be careful adding too much cooked food back into your diet...your stomach doesn't like that.
I'm glad you're feeling better after your sickness dear, and I look forward to sending you an e-mail later this week.
Yes, Brit (whoever that is) is right. You very well might have the feeling of more energy when you fast. Either way, it is an experience you won't soon forget. Have fun with Taylor!
Can I assume you're leaving your debts to Erin and Daniel also. I'm afraid they're more than the money you have so generously left to them. - Dad
Hey Leah! What'up?
OK, j'ai pas tout compris le truc a propos de jeuner, mais bon je suppose que ca doit etre un pari ou un truc dans le genre... De rien pour ma chambre, tout le plaissir est pour moi... Je ferai un inventaire, dans le doute, cependant ! lol Just kiddin'! Oh I met a girl this weekend who was an exchange student in Brittany (and her name happened to be Brittany too... awkward!) last year, but she didn't want to speak French at all wjth me, cuz she hadn't spoken it for like 10 months and she was afraid I'd make fun of her... Anyway that was weird! Hey did you go to Brittany yet? Cuz that a part of France you HAVE TO see! I wanted to to go there, in our house, in July, while you would be still in France, but it seem my aunt is having a garage build there and so it's not gonna be possible... Dang it! Is there any thing you'd like to go when I'm back in France?
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