In touch with Leah

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Just a short one--exciting stuff below

Few things I forgot to add last night:

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to reply to comments. Does anyone know how?

I feel I should also remind you that I only have two hours of school today.

And also that I have my own shower.

And I'm in France.

In new news, I think it's necessary to add something to my sport experience. When we were running laps, about three-quarters through my second one, I had a vision of the PE teacher in Ferris Bueler riding beside the running guys on his little golf cart or something, saying "You'll never get out! Never!"

That's it.

Remember, more exciting stuff is below.



At October 03, 2006 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Glad to hear things are well. Stay away from motorbikes and Bees!! We Love You.

Uncle Paul


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